Get Your Data in Shape in 2019

By Ruth Richter • January 03, 2019

January 2 is probably the busiest day of the year for gyms and fitness clubs. After all, according to polls, getting more exercise and eating healthier are two of the top New Year’s resolutions. For those determined to keep their resolution throughout all of 2019,...

The Easiest Integration Process You’ll Ever Try

By Ruth Richter • December 21, 2018

Did you know that by 2020, global retail ecommerce sales are projected to reach $4 trillion? That’s 14.6 percent of total retail spending in the year 2020. Established ecommerce sites are excited about this growth potential. If you haven’t set up additional infrastructure for that...

Intercompany Postings in Sage Bogging You Down? Automation is Here!

By Ruth Richter • December 19, 2018

The worst reason to continue a business practice is “because we’ve always done it this way.” Complicated processes, out-of-date or difficult to use systems, siloed information—it all adds up to inefficiency in business. If your business has multiple-companies set up in Sage 100, consider that...

How to Enhance Distribution with EDI and API

By Ruth Richter • December 12, 2018

With all the acronyms that float around these days, EDI and API seem to come up regularly when discussing supply chain. Both EDI and API play a role in effective supply chain management, enabling you to securely transfer data from one system to another—a pretty...

The Bridge to IN-SYNCH for Sage 100 and Sage 100cloud

By Ruth Richter • December 05, 2018

When a business software purchase doesn’t live up to your expectations there is not only the cash investment lost, but there is the time that will never be recovered and the goodwill impact to those who were taken on the ride. When we see this...

Paper or Plastic: Why You Need to Integrate a Credit Card Processor

By Ruth Richter • November 28, 2018

If you reached into your wallet right now, how much cash would you find? According to research from Capital One, one in four Americans won’t find any cash. Card spending now outweighs the use of cash for groceries, gas, and restaurants. Card spending is also...

Companies that See Data Clearly with IN-SYNCH

By Ruth Richter • November 21, 2018

If the eyes are the windows to the soul, eyeglasses must be the window panes. From corrective lenses to “readers,” the Vision Council of America estimates that nearly three quarters of American adults use some form of vision correction, 64 percent of which wear glasses...

The Paper Industry Thrives in these “Paperless” Times

By Ruth Richter • November 07, 2018

For over 30 years, experts and authorities have been predicting the coming arrival of the paperless office. To be certain, computers have certainly reduced the amount of paper we believe we consume, and yet there are over four trillion paper documents just in the U.S.,...

What You Need to Know about Walmart’s Bid for the Virtual Store

By Ruth Richter • November 01, 2018

This past spring, a movie adaptation of the best-selling novel Ready Player One hit the big screens. Audiences were treated to epic battle scenes and fantastic dance clubs that the characters accessed through the VR-powered OASIS. Behind every avatar in OASIS was a human somewhere...