By Ruth Richter • January 08, 2020

According to an Insider poll, roughly 43 percent of Americans resolved to eat healthier in 2019. With New Year’s resolutions abandoned before February by around 80 percent of those who make them, it’s probably safe to assume the 2020 resolution stats to eat healthier are about the same.
For those who resolved to be healthier in this new decade than the last, though, these three companies have made sure their ecommerce experiences make it easier than ever to find and stick to healthy habits.
Bragg Live Foods
Bragg Live Food Products has been investing in Americans’ health since 1912 with simple, clean, affordable natural products. They offer everything from apple cider vinegar to salad dressings, seasoning blends, olive oil, aminos, beverages, and more. All products are sourced with the best certified organic ingredients. The brand is partly owned by singer Katy Perry, a longtime family friend of founders Paul and Patricia Bragg.
The Bragg Live Food website is designed to help its customers find Bragg natural products wherever they like to shop most. Shoppers can click on a map to find their favorite products at nearby stores, or purchase online directly from Bragg. This level of detail is made possible by their IN-SYNCH Sage 100 integration solution from ROI. This lightning fast data integration keeps the Zencart website current with inventory, shipping information, even the most up-to-date list of stores for those who prefer to shop locally.
Labrada Nutrition
When it comes to getting into shape, it’s not just working out. It’s also about nutrition to fuel the body. Labrada Nutrition empowers its clients with both nutritional products and health knowledge for getting into shape and being healthy for life. Free education resources—such as newsletters, videos, contests, and more—augment the health supplements Labrada developed through scientific research and study.
Labrada’s online store offers items both individually and via subscription packages, which offer up to 15 percent savings and automatic delivery every 14, 30, 45, or 60 days. Keeping track of inventory with such a variety of shopping and shipping options is easy . . . because Labrada connects its Miva website and Amazon store, ERP, and shipping data using IN-SYNCH. This integration ensures that subscription customers always get what they need, even if they change their subscription frequency, and that inventory stays healthy to offer sufficient product to the non-subscriber crowd.
Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products
The first few days of January, the gym is always packed with new members who are determined to keep to their resolution. Companies like Medi-Dyne Healthcare Products make sure that whether you’re stepping onto the treadmill for the first time, or a lifetime athlete, you have the resources to strengthen, stretch, and protect your body. Medi-Dyne prides itself on providing innovations in prevention and treatment of pain and injuries, from Tennis Elbow to lower back pain.
Online shoppers can find all Medi-Dyne’s nine brands of products on their website, filtering by brand, product, or which pain/prevention issue they’re trying to address. For those who prefer to shop in person to find the right sized solution, Medi-Dyne’s site offers a map that shows where consumers may purchase both premium and specialty products near them. Wholesalers can also log into the site to access special pricing for their wholesale needs. Medi-Dyne’s Big Commerce ecommerce service manages all this information—including specialty pricing—via a Sage 100 integration with IN-SYNCH. This multi-directional integration ensures the right prices show up for the right customers, and the products arrive quickly and correctly to every customer.
In Shape Ecommerce With IN-SYNCH
Whether you resolved to get healthy or not in 2020, it’s never a bad time to consider making sure your ecommerce site integration is healthy. In fact, it’s better for business! IN-SYNCH easily integrates your Sage 100 ERP with your ecommerce platform. It also integrates seamlessly with third-party shopping carts, shipping databases, warehouse management software, and more. The integration possibilities are endless, and so are the benefits.
Get your ecommerce site into its best shape yet. Contact one of our experts now and let’s get started.